The Independant / Quand le Grec Ancien aide des vétérans

On peut lire, en anglais, dans le journal The Independant, un article étonnant sur un programme dans lequel est impliqué l’acteur Jason Isaacs, et qui vient en aide aux vétérans à l’aide de textes théâtraux lus en grec ancien, notamment du Sophocle.

The actor Jason Isaacs admitted he was sceptical when asked to participate in a project that helps military veterans to cope with the trauma of war through readings of Ancient Greek plays, but now believes its effects to be “extraordinary”.

The Harry Potter star will read from Sophocles’ tragedy Ajax, believed to have been written between 450BC and 430BC, tomorrow at London’s Southbank Centre before performing in Edinburgh in front of veterans.

It is staged as part of the “Theatre of War” project, set up in the US by classicist Bryan Doerries to help military veterans “deal with their invisible wounds”. Actors such as Jake Gyllenhaal and Martin Sheen have taken part there. …

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