Openculture / Watch All 18,225 Lines of The Iliad Read by 66 Actors in a Marathon Event For an Audience of 50,000

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C’est les vacances, vous avez un peu de temps devant vous ? Vous pouvez écouter 66 acteurs qui se relaient pour lire les 18 225 vers de l’Iliade.

Despite its ancient origins, The Odyssey is an epic for modernity. The Greek poem gives us the hero as a homesick wanderer and uprooted seeker, an exile or a refugee, sustained by his cunning; he even comes across, writes scholar Deirdre McClosky, as “a crafty merchant type,” while also representing “three pagan virtues—temperance, justice, and prudence.” He’s a complicated hero, that is to say—most unlike Achilles, his antithesis in the prior epic The Iliad, the “foundational text,” says Simon Goldhill, “of Western culture.”

Goldhill, a Cambridge classics professor, introduces an undertaking itself admirably epic: a reading of The Iliad featur…

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