Rayon :
Texte : KOGGE Mickael
Dessin : PARSONS Dan, RABITTE David, DILLON Marshall, SUMMERS Chris
Editeur : Alterna Comics
Format : 26 pages
Canisius descends into the underworld to demand that Pluto, the god of the dead, tell him how he can rid himself of his lupine curse. But there Canisius also learns that Lucius plans to give Lavinia the same curse. Reliving the legend of Romulus and Remus, Canisius must confront his former brother-in-arms and save both the city and the woman he loves. This is the thrilling double-sized conclusion to the epic series, Empire of the Wolf!
3 pages en prévue : https://www.comixology.com/Empire-of-the-Wolf-4/digital-comic/75689?ref=Y29taWMvdmlldy9kZXNrdG9wL3NsaWRlckxpc3Qvc2VyaWVz
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