Rayon : Bandes dessinées
Texte : O'CONNOR George
Dessin : O'CONNOR George
Editeur : First Second
Collection : Olympians
Format : 80 pages
Olympians est une série de comics diffusés sur le marché américain qui raconte à la sauce « super-héros » l’histoire des dieux.
Voici le projet de la série en anglais :
In OLYMPIANS, O’Connor draws from primary documents to reconstruct and retell classic Greek myths. But these stories aren’t sedate, scholarly works. They’re action-packed, fast-paced, high-drama adventures, with monsters, romance, and not a few huge explosions. O’Connor’s vibrant, kinetic art brings ancient tales to undeniable life, in a perfect fusion of super-hero aesthetics and ancient Greek mythology.
Présentation de l’auteur :
George O’Connor is a Greek mythology buff and a classic superhero comics fan, and he’s out to remind us how much our pantheon of superheroes (Superman, Batman, the X-Men, etc) owes to mankind’s ORIGINAL superheroes : the Greek pantheon.
Volume 1 of OLYMPIANS, ZEUS : King OF THE GODS, introduces readers to the ruler of the Olympian Pantheon, telling his story from his boyhood to his ascendance to supreme power.
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