Rayon : Novellas et lectures en latin ou en grec ancien
Texte : Emma Vanderpool
Dessin : Chris Taylor
Editeur : autopublication (amazon)

Format : 79 pages
EAN : 9798602567236
Augustus has risen to power and, having conquered Egypt, may soon be at the door of Queen Amanirenas, queen of Nubia. Rather than wait for her country to be invaded, she chooses instead to attack, when the Roman praefectus is away. This is the story of Amanirenas, who was skilled not only as a queen but as a warrior, and who helped to preserve her country from the threat of the Romans. This Latin novella with sheltered vocabulary and unsheltered grammar is best suited for intermediate-mid and above readers. While helping to provide another perspective on the rule of Augustus, it also introduces Caesarian idioms, and as such may be of particular interest to students preparing for the Advanced Placement (AP) Latin Exam.
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