The Journal of Classics Teaching / Ancient Greek for Kids: From Theory to Praxis

This essay presents the methods, as well as the pedagogical effects, findings and results of introducing Ancient Greek in the curriculum of children between three and 12 years old as evidenced over 27 years in the method of Elliniki Agogi. Elliniki Agogi is an award-winning private educational institute established in Greece in the mid-1990s at a time when the teaching of Ancient Greek was questioned and dramatically reduced from the public curriculum. Its aim is to safeguard learning that has its roots in Ancient Greek and to continue to introduce students to the Greek civilisation and its language, using effective, entertaining and artistic methods. This endeavour was based on specific pedagogical models; by learning through experience and through a communication-orientated educational process.

Lire l’article de Eugenia Manolidou, Sophia Goula et Vicky Sakka:

A propos Samuel Tursin

Enseignant de Lettres classiques dans l'académie de Lille.

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