Teaching Classical Languages: sortie du volume 12, 2nd numéro (printemps 2022)

La revue (américaine) en ligne de pédagogie des langues anciennes “Teaching Classical Languages” propose son nouveau numéro (Volume 12, Issue 2) librement consultable en ligne.

Au sommaire:

– Latin for Students with Dyslexia

– The Language of Race in the Classroom: Teaching Classical History at an HBCU

– Ut te exhorter ad bonam mentem ‘that I encourage you toward a sound mind’: How Nuanced Latin Emotional Vocabulary and SEL Routines Can Help Every Latin Student Flourish

– Teaching Classics with Texts from Non-Ethnic Romans

– Vergil’s Aeneid and 21st-Century Immigration

Lire la publication: https://tcl.camws.org/node/160

A propos Samuel Tursin

Enseignant de Lettres classiques dans l'académie de Lille.

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